
Meaning: tr
hile, kurnazlık; saçmalık, maskaralık
I've had enough of your shenanigans.
Today we're going to be making a video about the shenanigans, fun, and frolics that the lions get up to here.
Are you up to any shenanigans tonight, or are you having a quiet one?
My sister's kids are always getting into all sorts of shenanigans.
The shenanigans on Wall Street have sent the economy into a tailspin.
Fortunately I knew for his shenanigans.
I'm tired of all your shenanigans. Please limit them to one shenanigan per week.
Cut the shenanigans!
No shenanigans while I am at the grocery store, you two!
Added on 2016-05-24 | by m1gin | View: 721

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