
Meaning: ar
إغراء, فتنة
Sami entered a new world of seduction and sex.
More than once in history have people revolted against the inequalities of life and refused to submit to the restraints of laws and creeds. They have often gone through a period of communism and red terror in the hope of realizing ultimately the Perfect State. Their leaders, undoubtedly sincere at first, espouse the utopian dream, declaring themselves the exponents of its ideals, the promised messengers of its blessings. But with the material for revolt ready at hand, and unable to resist the seductions of nascent power, they soon undergo that transformation which history identifies, often not unjustly, with demagogy, if they fail, or with autocracy, if they succeed. In either case, by utilizing the elements of negation in Society, they become apostles of violence, proclaiming the theory of "creative destruction." But instead of creating a utopia on the ruins of their making, they only succeed in setting up, as history shows, another government, which, no matter how just and sound its foundations are in theory, soon becomes in practice more despotic and corrupt.
To achieve her ends, she resorts to seduction.
To achieve his ends, he resorts to seduction.
I can't shake off her seduction.
Added on 2021-01-14 | by sara | View: 199

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