
Meaning: tr
misilleme, ceza
You can make your choice freely without fear of retribution.
Retribution is inevitable.
Justice demands retribution!
Sami started planning retribution.
Life is rich in sacrifices and poor in retributions.
The universal right to speak your mind and to protest against authority, to live in a society that’s open and free, that can criticize a President without retribution -- a country where you're judged by the content of your character rather than what you look like, or how you worship, or what your last name is, or where your family came from -- that's what separates us from tyrants and terrorists.
But retribution was at hand, and the wicked city met with sudden destruction.
But retribution was at hand, and the wicked city met with sudden destruction, for one night Dahut stole the silver key for the purpose of opening the city gates to admit her lover, and in the darkness by mistake opened the sluices.
Added on 2014-11-13 | by m1gin | View: 561

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