
Meaning: tr
baskıcı, sert
Many of the Kabyle have emigrated from Algeria, influenced by factors such as the Algerian Civil War and cultural repression by the repressive Algerian government.
Every dictatorship needs a strong repressive intelligence service.
Was Bouteflika a repressive leader?
The capacity of the human mind for swallowing nonsense and spewing it forth in violent and repressive action has never yet been plumbed.
Sweatshop labor, rainforest destruction, global warming, displacement of indigenous communities, air and water pollution, eradication of wildlife on farmland as “pests”, the violent overthrow of popularly elected governments to maintain puppet dictators compliant to big business interests, open-pit strip mining, oil drilling in environmentally sensitive areas, union busting, child slavery, and payoffs to repressive regimes are just some of the many impacts of the seemingly innocuous consumer products we consume every day.
Morocco is a repressive country.
Is sharia law repressive?
Bouteflika stepped up his repressive tactics.
Added on 2019-04-29 | by behnandoganay | View: 361

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