
Meaning: tr
tekrar kötüleşmek, depreşmek, nüksetmek
He got out last time, relapsed, and went back in.
Anne had relapsed into reverie, with her chin in her hands and her eyes on the sky.
Tom relapsed into using heroin.
Yanni had a relapse.
Severe itching is one of the withdrawal symptoms. Many addicts who stay sober and committed through days of nausea, sleeplessness and fever will relapse within an hour of the itching begins.
A few months later, Tom relapsed.
Tom relapsed on heroin.
I try to be calmer these days. That outburst was a relapse into my old behavior.
Sami had a drug relapse.
Larry, a real estate agent, relapsed last year after more than a dozen years sober.
Added on 2015-10-14 | by m1gin | View: 701

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