
Meaning: tr
dizgin, idare, kontrol
Tom wore a reindeer hat at the Christmas party.
We admire the men who shaped our country, and rightfully so, the men we see as heroes -- from Alexander Hamilton to Muhammad Ali -- for their confidence and their courage in believing they could change our nation, this idea of self-creation, that there’s nothing holding us back. In them, we see America itself, constantly reinventing itself, fearless, looking out over the horizon at the next frontier.
Algeria needs to stabilize and reinforce its home front.
Tom wore a Christmas sweater embroidered with reindeer.
Am I reinstated?
Doctor Bergman, what's the news?" "The good news, Tim, is that your father underwent mind uploading before he died. We can clone him and reinstate his mind."
Yanni needs to reinstall the light switch.
There, reft of arms, poor Troilus, rash to dare / Achilles, by his horses dragged amain, / hangs from his empty chariot. Neck and hair / trail on the ground; his hand still grasps the rein; / the spear inverted scores the dusty plain.
They applied for a license to reintroduce wildcats in this area of Algeria.
The reindeer grazed peacefully.
Added on 2015-04-09 | by m1gin | View: 666

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