
Meaning: en
to cause great damage to something
The tornado ravaged the region.
It often ravages hunters' cabins and steals prey from traps.
Carlos lost nearly 12 kg as the coronavirus ravaged his body for two weeks, at one point necessitating a harrowing ambulance trip to the hospital.
Australia is being ravaged by the worst wildfires seen in decades.
The most peaceable tribes of today were often ravagers of yesteryear and will probably again produce soldiers and murderers in the future.
War, disease, and famine continue to ravage the poverty-stricken country, despite the decades-long international effort to ameliorate the situation.
The virulent plague ravaged the whole planet, as many places became ghost towns.
Floods have ravaged parts of Germany.
In this forest ravaged by fire, there's not a tree left standing.
Daphnis, who quitting his goats had betaken himself to the woods to cut some green branches as winter-fodder for his kids, looked down from among the trees and witnessing the ravages promptly hid himself in the hollow of a decayed tree.
Added on 2022-02-09 | by Riley | View: 176

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