
Meaning: en
adj. behaving wildly, moving about furiously; prevailing, abundant
The rampant sickness spread to many countries.
There are many latent gays among rampant homophobes.
Starvation and disease were rampant among the lowest classes.
The racial prejudice that used to be rampant in America has, to a considerable degree, metamorphosed into cultural prejudice. Those infected will say of a Black friend: "She's different"--meaning the cultural stereotypes they find objectionable do not apply.
Fiscal austerity is considered to be an answer to the rampant inflation.
In Brazil, evangelical Christianity is rampant.
Cyber bullying is rampant on social media and many teenagers attempt or commit suicide as a result of it.
Added on 2021-07-12 | by amia | View: 158

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