
Meaning: tr
buruşturmak, kırıştırmak; büzgü
The “face blowing a kiss” emoji is a yellow face winking with puckered lips blowing a kiss, depicted as a small, red heart. It represents a kiss goodbye or good night and conveys feelings of love and affection more generally.
Tom was expecting a kiss, so he leaned forward and puckered his lips.
Mary puckered her lips, expecting a kiss, but nothing happened. When she opened her eyes, Tom had gone.
His face was all crinkled and puckered like a withered apple.
Mary's lemon pie will make you pucker up and implode," said Tom.
He peered at me with great curiosity in his puckered eyes.
Added on 2015-04-17 | by m1gin | View: 597

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