
Meaning: tr
A C-130 transport plane is a turboprop aircraft. Its main thrust comes from the propellers, but the propellers are turned by turbine engines.
In outer space there is no atmosphere so turbines and propellers cannot work there. This explains why a rocket works in space but a turbine engine or a propeller does not work.
Propeller-powered aircraft are very efficient for low speed flight.
Jet planes fly much faster than propeller planes.
After World War II, as jet engines gained popularity, aerodynamicists used jet engines to turn the propellers on some aircraft. This propulsion system is called a turboprop.
For a propeller-powered aircraft, the gas that is accelerated, or the working fluid, is the surrounding air that passes through the propeller.
The propeller acts like a rotating wing creating a lift force by moving through the air.
The net got entangled in the propeller.
Propellers can have from 2 to 6 blades.
For the forty years following the first flight of the Wright brothers, airplanes used internal combustion engines to turn propellers to generate thrust.
Added on 2016-08-19 | by m1gin | View: 737

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