
Meaning: tr
başlangıçta var olan, ilk, en eski
Bennu is a primordial artifact preserved in the vacuum of space, orbiting among planets and moons and asteroids and comets.
Elsila and her team will look for the molecules, such as formaldehyde or hydrogen cyanide, that form amino acids to shed light on the primordial chemistry of the solar system.
The first centuries of superluminal space exploration proved that neighbouring space was mostly desert as other life discovered was in a primordial state.
Our biological ancestors thrived in the primordial soup hundreds of millions of years ago.
Bennu is a primordial artifact preserved in the vacuum of space.
Lemaitre proposed that the universe began as a single primordial atom of energy, something hot and dense that exploded, causing space to expand outward.
Added on 2016-03-07 | by m1gin | View: 648

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