
Meaning: tr
divan, sedir; osmanlı
I'm speaking Ottoman.
The battle took place in the Algerian city of Tlemcen, ending in an Ottoman victory.
The Ottoman Empire had a large navy.
Algeria was ruled by the Ottoman Turks between 1516 and 1830.
Ironically, one of these Turks would become the sultan Osman I, who founded the Ottoman Empire in 1299 and reduced the role of the caliphs exclusively to the religious plane.
The Ottoman Empire collapsed because it was unable to meet the challenge of change.
In the sixteenth century, Ottoman Turks attempted to construct a canal in Egypt to unite the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
Turkey is the heir of the Ottoman Empire.
Ottoman Turks conquered Egypt in 1517.
Ottoman Algeria had several treaties with Western powers.
Added on 2015-11-17 | by m1gin | View: 357

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