
Meaning: tr
“I really hope that Spain makes this nomad visa work. They have one of the best internet systems in Europe and a great quality of life,” he added.
The Tuaregs are known for their nomadic lifestyle.
The Tuaregs are nomadic cattle breeders.
The members of these nomadic tribes were skilled archers and riders; they were able to attack and run away as fast as the wind.
Tom is a digital nomad.
The pre-Islamic Arabs were nomads.
Like many other countries which have introduced nomad visas, Spain wants to entice foreign workers with low tax rates.
Yanni led a nomadic life with his girlfriend, Skura.
In other parts of the world, decreased rain and snowfall, drought and warming temperatures are diminishing water resources and complicating daily life for nomadic and agricultural communities.
Yanni comes from a Tuareg nomadic family.
Added on 2016-04-12 | by m1gin | View: 754

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