
Meaning: tr
hikâye, öykü, hikâye anlatma
How millennials want to see themselves really impacts what they buy in terms of "Does this brand, product or service align with my values? Does the store ... treat people well? If it's a restaurant, is the food responsibly sourced?" All of these things are suddenly playing in that consumer narrative.
That is not what the narrative is about.
The story is a first-person narrative.
The group of Israeli historians called the New Historians challenge the official narrative of the history of Zionism.
This newspaper hews closely to the official propaganda narratives.
Even his everyday speech was an off-the-cuff, tangential, disjointed narrative.
The narrative provided some eye-opening social commentary on the state of the country.
Compiled and co-edited by Maria Ebrahimji and Zahra Suratwala, the book "I Speak for Myself" contains first-person narratives by 40 Muslim women born and raised in the United States who, as the editors point out, have been "negotiating a dichotomy of Islamic and Western values since birth."
When Dr. Mortimer had finished reading this singular narrative he pushed his spectacles up on his forehead and stared across at Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
Polish author Olga Tokarczuk won the 2018 Nobel Literature Prize “for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life.”
Added on 2015-11-04 | by m2gin | View: 797

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