
Meaning: tr
belediyeye ait, kentsel
La Chingada is a small community in the municipality of San Gabriel located two hours from Guadalajara.
The municipal council all but ignored the gravity of the pollution.
Brazil is partitioned into states, which in turn are partitioned into municipalities.
Many offices of the municipal government are in the town hall.
Tala n Wemghar is a municipality.
The municipality has recently imposed an overtaking ban for this road.
Sami works for the municipal clinic.
The forensic pathologist works at the municipal body farm.
Another thing which makes preferable moving by foot or by bicycle is the use of a car: nowadays the level of air pollution is very high because of the high number of cars, and, to reduce that level, the municipality has decided to forbid the road traffic on certain days during a certain period; furthermore, there are always traffic jams on Reggio Emilia's roads, so you'll waste lots of time while stuck in a traffic jam.
Porsanger is a trilingual municipality.
Added on 2015-05-07 | by m1gin | View: 615

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