
Meaning: tr
biçimlendirmek, şekillendirmek
When Tom went to have breakfast, he found that all the bread had gone mouldy.
Several heavy stones were hurled from the mouldering battlements into the roaring sea beneath.
On the other hand, Ravenswood saw in Lucy a soft and flexible character, which, in his eyes at least, seemed too susceptible of being moulded to any form by those with whom she lived.
The bread was mouldy, but Tom ate it nevertheless.
Benjamin Whorf hypothesized that the grammar of a language not only acts as a tool for voicing ideas but even moulds those same ideas. Ronald Wardhaugh challenges this assumption, declaring that it is possible to talk about anything whatsoever in any language: “Every natural language is a rich system which readily allows its speakers to overcome any predispositions.”
Can damp and mould affect my health?
The gloves fit like a mould.
Tom is allergic to mould.
Situation seems to be the mould in which men's characters are formed.
So spake the seer, and shipward bids his friends / rich gifts convey, and store them in the hold. / Gold, silver plate, carved ivory he sends, / with massive caldrons of Dodona's mould; / a coat of mail, with triple chain of gold, / and shining helm, with cone and flowing crest, / the arms of Pyrrhus, glorious to behold.
Added on 2019-10-28 | by m1gin | View: 346

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