
Meaning: tr
yatıştırmak, azaltmak
The severity of the laws is mitigated by the nonbinding nature of their implementation.
And he thought he mitigated the effects of Global Warming by not using plastic bags.
“Now all countries must develop that same muscle memory and invest in the measures that will prevent, control and mitigate the next crisis,” Tedros said.
Reducing deforestation is one way to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
The interpreter tries to provide a mitigated definition.
The harshness of Ukraine's laws is mitigated by the fact that one doesn't have to obey them.
I don't know whether we can fix the problem, but we can mitigate its effects.
This law mitigates the negative effects of economic recessions.
Friendly words will mitigate their fury.
Algeria needs to mitigate its vulnerabilities.
Added on 2014-07-21 | by m1gin | View: 570

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