
Meaning: en
To lie around lazily
When eating a lollipop, do you bite it or do you keep sucking it?
Yesterday I didn't have anything to do so I was just lolling around all day long.
Tom handed his son a lollipop.
I couldn't decide whether I wanted an ice cream or an ice lolly, so I bought both.
She handed her son a lollipop.
Tom loves ice lollies.
The red lollipop is heart shaped.
Dr Miller will ring you back. He's not available at the moment: party meeting." "'Party meeting'? He's lolling about somewhere having his morning pint and stuffing himself with a dozen Weisswurst, more like!"
The doctor offered the child a lollipop. Against expectation the child said he preferred no lollipop and no jab to getting the immunisation and lollipop.
Ziri ate a lollipop.
Added on 2021-08-22 | by sara | View: 186

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