
Meaning: tr
oyalanmak, sallanmak
It's not as if an emissary from outer space will have slipped into school uniform and be loitering around seeking a partner.
We don't want any loiterers about here.
The little bird sat on a tree branch and chirped. And thereunder the fox loitered.
Just where have you been loitering around without your attendants?
The prince loitered about all day.
If you loiter here much longer, people will think you're up to something.
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, alone and palely loitering?
I saw a strange man with dark glasses loitering near the girls bathroom.
When are those loitering kids going to get out?
The girl loitered in front of the house.
Added on 2015-06-01 | by m1gin | View: 759

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