
Meaning: tr
sorgu; soruşturma
The inquiry's recommendations were presented in a report.
Every art and every inquiry seem to aim at some good.
A trial is a formal inquiry designed to prove and put upon record the blameless characters of judges, advocates and jurors.
The Prime Minister said that he didn't want to pre-empt the findings of the inquiry by making any policy changes before its recommendations were handed down.
All this seems strange to you," continued Holmes, "because you failed at the beginning of the inquiry to grasp the importance of the single real clue which was presented to you. I had the good fortune to seize upon that, and everything which has occurred since then has served to confirm my original supposition, and, indeed, was the logical sequence of it."
The inquiry's preliminary findings have been published.
This discovery opened up the floodgates to research and led to the establishment of the discipline as a legitimate field of inquiry.
It was not done by a German. The A, if you noticed, was printed somewhat after the German fashion. Now a real German invariably prints in the Latin character, so that we may safely say that this was not written by one, but by a clumsy imitator who overdid his part. It was simply a ruse to divert inquiry into a wrong channel.
The inquiry did not conclude.
What is your field of study, your domain of inquiry, your major interest?
Added on 2017-04-11 | by player1 | View: 806

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