
Meaning: tr
bulaştırmak, enfekte etmek
Spain had 4,200 cases of infection, with more than 2,000 of them in Madrid.
The term sepsis as now used in clinical surgery no longer retains its original meaning as synonymous with “putrefaction,” but is employed to denote all conditions in which bacterial infection has taken place, and more particularly those in which pyogenic bacteria are present.
Mennad got an infection.
It’s a madhouse,” said Joan Walsh of Massachusetts, who cut her Florentine tour short with her husband, David Sibley, after the virus reportedly had infected more than 650 people and killed 17 as of late afternoon Thursday.
Sniffer dogs can detect and identify people infected with the coronavirus with surprising accuracy.
The racial prejudice that used to be rampant in America has, to a considerable degree, metamorphosed into cultural prejudice. Those infected will say of a Black friend: "She's different"--meaning the cultural stereotypes they find objectionable do not apply.
Because mucous membranes are prone to infection, doctors advise that you wash your hands before picking your nose.
Sami amputated his toes to avoid infection.
A virus infected Tom's computer.
The infectious case was isolated from other patients.
Added on 2015-11-04 | by m2gin | View: 867

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