
Meaning: tr
engel, mani, özür
It isn't nice to make fun of people with speech impediments.
He overcame his speech impediment by reciting the Quran.
The aforesaid obstacle is the main impediment to progress.
Leaders are trying to do away with impediments to economic growth.
Sami had a speech impediment.
The king had great difficulty giving speeches because of a severe speech impediment.
Impatience is a definite impediment to success.
Tom has a speech impediment, which gets worse if he has to speak in public.
It's not nice to make fun of people with speech impediments.
Moses said: I beseech thee, Lord, I am not eloquent from yesterday and the day before; and since thou hast spoken to thy servant, I have more impediment and slowness of tongue.
Added on 2015-06-20 | by m1gin | View: 859

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