
Meaning: tr
The giraffe trampled the hyena to death.
A hasty hyena bites the horn.
The lion is stronger than the hyena.
The hyena imitates the human voice.
Strangely, the hyenas allowed them to touch them.
A lion is certainly much stronger than a sole hyena but there were three times as many hyenas there as lions.
I have two fursonas. One's a protogen, the other's a hyena.
Lone lions, alas, always end up being hunted and haggard. How did the Kabyles manage to allow themselves to be despoiled by the hyenas in 62'?
The hyena will soon be exterminated in our country.
The hyena's bark sounds like laughter.
Added on 2015-10-14 | by m1gin | View: 480

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