
Meaning: tr
korkunç, dehşet verici
An estimated 10,000 Yazidis were killed or kidnapped by Islamic State in 2014. Women and girls were forced into slavery, and suffered horrific sexual and physical abuse. Several members of the choir that traveled to London were held captive.
“The music of the Yazidi people is absolutely essential to their culture,” Bochmann told VOA. “Only one section of the people, the Qawals caste, are allowed to sing the music. There are only 16 of them left, and so we thought it would be essential in case another genocide took place, or anything else horrific, that we lodge this and record it.”
Yanni's crime was particularly horrific.
If he had been careful at the time, the horrific accident would not have happened.
Horrific hallucinations littered her mind just before she fell asleep.
Yanni clung to life with horrific burns.
Sami has gone on a horrific date.
Sami committed six horrific murders.
Remember the first movie Sonic design?" "Yeah. That was horrific. I'm glad they changed it."
That's horrific! Unless people like it, in which case I support it 100%.
Added on 2015-05-13 | by m1gin | View: 840

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