
Meaning: tr
kalabalık, sürü; göçebe aşiret
This game has you battle against hordes of evil stoats.
Surrounded by hordes of vampires, Christopher Columbus once had an epic sword duel with Count Dracula in the latter's castle. After the Count cut off Columbus's hand, Columbus calmly picked it up, put it back in place, and proceeded to best the Count.
The Mongol hordes wiped out everything in their path.
The earliest barbarian codes already represent to us societies composed of peaceful agricultural communities, not hordes of men at war with each other.
The colonial horde repressed, in blood, with unprecedented violence, a peaceful rally organized to prevent the gathering of the criminal Ali Benflis.
There are hordes of tourists in the city centre.
When you have coin in bag, the false friends come in hordes.
Record flooding in Australia this week has had an unexpected consequence, driving hordes of spiders—including one of the world’s deadliest species—out of their usual habitat and into homes and backyards.
Tom was surrounded by a horde of screaming fangirls.
I suspect that account belongs to Bora's horde.
Added on 2017-08-26 | by m1gin | View: 584

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