
Meaning: tr
yarıya bölmek, ikiye bölmek
Take the apple and divide it into halves.
We'll understand the world when we understand ourselves, because we and the world are two complementary halves.
When the oil got hot, he put the two halves in the pan.
Cut a square in halves.
In our monogamous part of the world, to marry means to halve one’s rights and double one's duties.
Don't do things by halves.
I halved the money with my pal.
He cut the apple into two halves.
My friend here wants to take diggings; and as you were complaining that you could get no one to go halves with you, I thought that I had better bring you together.
I'll never do anything by halves.
Added on 2018-08-31 | by redPen | View: 326

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