
Meaning: tr
anneanne, babaanne, büyükanne, nine
You have been such good children that I am going to send you to visit my granny, who lives in a dear little hut in the wood.
I am corresponding with my granny's friend.
Go to your granny.
When apprentices complained that they got more harassment than training from their employers, Granny said calmly: "Well, time spent in apprenticeship is not like time spent being the master."
Granny, could you tell me one more story?
Granny's front gate squeaks when it opens.
The granny is pretty old.
I used to really like Braeburn, but now I'm more of a Granny Smith kinda guy.
My granny is eighty years old.
Sami visited his granny.
Added on 2018-07-20 | by misti | View: 459

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