
Meaning: tr
gemi mutfağı
He was sent to the galleys.
The galley sank in stormy weather.
He was sentenced to the galleys.
This apartment has a galley kitchen.
Accordingly they resolved to begin the war without the usual forms of proclamation, and instructed their naval commander to launch ten galleys immediately, and ravage the coasts of the enemy.
Meanwhile from neighbouring Tenedos once more, / beneath the tranquil moonbeam's friendly care, / with ordered ships, along the deep sea-floor, / back came the Argive host, and sought the well-known shore. / Forth from the royal galley sprang the flame, / when Sinon, screened by partial Fate, withdrew / the bolts and barriers of the pinewood frame, / and from its inmost caverns, bared to view, / the fatal horse disgorged the Danaan crew.
Added on 2014-09-06 | by m1gin | View: 415

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