
Meaning: tr
It is dull for me, grandmother, to sit idly hour by hour. My hands want work to do. Go, therefore, and buy me some flax, the best and finest to be found anywhere, and at least I can spin.
This bread contains ancient grains, such as flaxseed, millet, kamut, amaranth, quinoa, red fife and Khorasan wheat.
There stood a little boy, almost naked; the water trickled down from his long flaxen hair; he was shivering with cold, and had he been left much longer out in the street, he would certainly have perished in the storm.
Tom adds a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds to his oatmeal every morning.
I eat bread covered with flax seeds, which end up all over the table.
How long does it take for flaxseed to lower cholesterol?
Eat flaxseed everyday.
New Zealand students have developed sustainable materials made from cabbage tree leaves and flax that could soon be used to make high-performance skis, kayaks and skateboards.
At the door of the house we were met by a tall, white-faced, flaxen-haired man, with a notebook in his hand, who rushed forward and wrung my companion's hand with effusion.
These crackers are made from flaxseeds.
Added on 2015-11-19 | by m1gin | View: 390

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