
Meaning: en
express clearly, intense happiness
In the cities nothing is more surprising to a foreigner than to go from the dust and turmoil of a busy street directly into a rustic yard and the felicity of quiet country life. On one of the busy streets of Tokio I had often passed a low shop, the barred front of which was never opened to traffic, nor was there ever any one present with whom to deal. I used often to peer between the bars; and from the form of the wooden boxes on the step-like shelves within, I knew that the occupant was a dealer in old pottery.
U.S. actress Felicity Huffman has been sentenced to 14 days in prison for her role in a wide-ranging U.S. college admissions cheating scandal.
Tom's cat Felicity is skittish, but once you've befriended her, she won't leave you alone.
Felicity likes watching telly.
Felicity was born an adorable kitten and grew up to be an adorable cat.
His speech was pleased by its accuracy, felicity, and fluency.
Added on 2021-01-29 and updated on 2021-04-02 | by sara | View: 297

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