
Meaning: tr
patlayıcı, patlamaya ait, patlamaya hazır
They have explosives.
The explosive ordnance disposal unit safely disposed of the unexploded bomb.
I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I just believe in facts like the use of depleted uranium explosives and phosphorus bombs in the Middle East and the annihilation of Iraq and Afghanistan for oil and other strategic goals.
The cheetah uses a combination of stealth and explosive acceleration to catch its prey.
Yanni had an explosive temper.
Sami stuck plastic explosive on the window.
The leader of the pack is known for his explosive temper.
Sami and Layla's partnership came to an explosive end.
Postman Pat's head is stuffed with explosives.
Mary farted. Tom turned around. "I love explosive performances," said Tom. Mary did not laugh.
Added on 2015-11-04 | by m2gin | View: 784

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