
Meaning: tr
varoluş, mevcudiyet
I'm sick of this hand-to-mouth existence.
This law came into existence in 1918.
Do you believe in the existence of God?
Note that this theorem does not assume the existence of such an object.
Can you prove the existence of garbagemen?
Sometimes I wonder if this world is just in someone's head, and he dreams us all into existence. Perhaps it's even me.
In a far, far away universe where whatever is visualized becomes real, a noob tried to visualize a four dimensional object only to end up visualizing an object with an infinite number of dimensions that sent our entire existence into disarray thereby ending the universe as we know it.
Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?
Contemplating the reason for existence means contemplating non-existing things.
Tom believes in the existence of the soul.
Added on 2019-03-27 and updated on 2019-03-28 | by behnandoganay | View: 307

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