
Meaning: en
v. avoid, avoid in a habitual manner, keep away from
Though most adults partake, Jessie eschews coffee.
The architect who most defined American residential architecture might well be Frank Lloyd Wright, who eschewed the idea of borrowing architecture from Europe or anywhere else.
I do not eschew an elevated style of speech, especially when my interlocutors are themselves well read.
It costs nothing to be specific, and doing so works better in the Tatoeba context, where the basic unit is a sentence that should be able to stand on its own without mental contortions to screw out a possible meaning from an otherwise meaningless sentence. Let's eschew the baroque and make things easy for language learners.
Liisa eschews public attention.
Eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation.
Do not fear that which is the final end of life: he who fears death eschews the joys of life.
He eschews anything mainstream.
Added on 2021-07-20 | by amia | View: 185

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