
Meaning: tr
emanet etmek, görevlendirmek
We must be ready to dare all for our country. For history does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
I entrusted my money to him.
She entrusted the care of her child to her aunt.
You entrusted her to him; she is in good hands.
Can I entrust the task to you?
How could I possibly forget about the task that you've entrusted to me?
She entrusted her husband with a letter.
Ho ho, you have always been the brightest amongst my grandchildren! But hearken now: I have come from the nether realm to entrust thee with a task of utmost importance!
I only entrusted the secret to you.
If someone is already good in and of themselves, however, and treats you sincerely and from the heart, and truly loves you, then you really can entrust your life to them.
Added on 2015-04-07 | by m1gin | View: 838

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