
Meaning: en
stubborn, very persistent
Yanni doggedly continues to chase his dream.
He had no illusions about the London police. Indeed, he was collecting evidence of their malpractices; and those costermongers, not allowed to stand their barrows in the streets; and prostitutes, good Lord, the fault wasn't in them, nor in young men either, but in our detestable social system and so forth; all of which he considered, could be seen considering, grey, dogged, dapper, clean, as he walked across the Park to tell his wife that he loved her.
Misfortune dogged him all his life.
It is the dogged who wins.
She is dogged by misfortune.
He was also dogged by allegations that he had ties to Chinese criminal gangs known as triads, which he denied.
Looking through the window I could see her walking feebly along the other side while her pursuer dogged her some little distance behind.
She kept doggedly submitting sentences.
Added on 2021-01-29 and updated on 2021-01-31 | by sara | View: 299

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