
Meaning: en
distort v. deform; falsify; twist; contort
Five minutes after I took the pill, the world was beginning to distort.
Tom took two profiteroles from the dessert tray and said: "Look, I can be a squirrel." He stuffed one of the pastries in each cheek to distort his face. Mary tried to ignore him for the rest of the evening.
He distorted my words.
Love is like a musical score where you are the treble clef and he is the bass clef. Even if you are out of pitch, distorted or stop playing completely he will continue playing until you form a harmony once again.
Tom completely distorted all that I had said.
I think perfection is ugly", he said. "Somewhere in the things that humans make, I want to see scars, failure, disorder, distortion."
I never distorted anyone's words.
You're distorting what I said.
You're distorting my words.
Space-time around the pulsar is so distorted that light from the side of the pulsar facing away from us is “bent” and redirected into our view.
Added on 2021-07-30 | by amia | View: 161

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