
Meaning: tr
soysuz; yozlaşmış, bozulmuş, dejenere
Though my uncle is homeless, I don't think he is a degenerate.
Go then", cries Pyrrhus, "with thy tale of woe / to dead Pelides, and thy plaints outpour. / To him, my father, in the shades below, / these deeds of his degenerate son deplore."
Islamization in Algeria has degenerated into a civil war that has left nearly 200,000 dead.
Don't allow your muscles to degenerate.
Islamization in Algeria has degenerated into a civil war that has left nearly two hundred thousand dead and the regime buys the peace of the imams by making concessions.
Despite their truth, sayings like "carpe diem", "live for yourself" and "know your worth" have degenerated into cliches for justifying rudeness, oddness, and apathy, at the hands of TV personalities and columnists. That is what is called "educated ignorance".
We have watched the fortunes of eight successive human species for a thousand million years, the first half of that flicker which is the duration of man. Ten more species now succeed one another, or are contemporary, on the plains of Neptune. We, the Last Men, are the Eighteenth Men. Of the eight pre-Neptunian species, some, as we have seen, remained always primitive; many achieved at least a confused and fleeting civilization, and one, the brilliant Fifth, was already wakening into true humanity when misfortune crushed it. The ten Neptunian species show an even greater diversity. They range from the instinctive animal to modes of consciousness never before attained. The definitely sub-human degenerate types are confined mostly to the first six hundred million years of man's sojourn on Neptune.
You're a filthy degenerate.
Live can so easily degenerate into something sordid and vulgar.
In living through this "great epoch," it is difficult to reconcile oneself to the fact that one belongs to that mad, degenerate species that boasts of its free will. How I wish that somewhere there existed an island for those who are wise and of good will! In such a place even I should be an ardent patriot.
Added on 2015-10-13 | by m1gin | View: 834

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