
Meaning: en
v. make deeper; become deeper
They did not deepen the holes.
Religion and science approach each other as knowledge deepens. But this process is endless.
The mystery deepens.
The continuing conflict between the different movements deepened even further.
With the coronavirus emergency deepening in Europe, Italy risks falling back into recession as foreign tourists are spooked and the global market shrinks for prized artisanal products.
Anti-American sentiment in Turkey has deepened.
You haven't deepened the holes.
He went to Britain to deepen his knowledge of the culture.
I will deepen their wells.
A funeral is a pageant whereby we attest our respect for the dead by enriching the undertaker, and strengthen our grief by an expenditure that deepens our groans and doubles our tears.
Added on 2021-05-19 | by auto | View: 194

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