
Meaning: tr
dokunmak; hafif vuruş
She dabbled with drugs.
Tom has dabbled in the magical arts.
The girl was dabbing her tears with a handkerchief while her friend tried to console her.
I'm introducing some pictures I took, dabbling in photography, along with my diary.
Tom dabbles in the stock market.
Tom has dabbled in the dark arts.
Tom did a dab to celebrate the legalization of cannabis in New York.
Here they found the unfortunate girl seated, or rather couched like a hare upon its form—her head-gear dishevelled, her night-clothes torn and dabbled with blood, her eyes glazed, and her features convulsed into a wild paroxysm of insanity.
But soon their skins turned cold, for there came a sound of galloping across the moor, and the black mare, dabbled with white froth, went past with trailing bridle and empty saddle.
Doug, dab again and pay.
Added on 2015-12-27 | by m1gin | View: 816

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