
Meaning: tr
derlemek, toplamak
We should compile a list of everybody who would be willing to help.
Compile an essay on that topic within a fixed number of letters.
When the dictionary of the etymology of Hungarian words was compiled, the word "fool", in Hungarian "bolond", was followed by the word "bolshevik", according to the Hungarian alphabet. This was not to be tolerated, so the word "bolonyik" was inserted, which is a rarely used word meaning herbsmith.
His program would not compile.
Guinness, a brewer, compiled a book of facts and figures that became a perennial bestseller.
We used to compile survey results using spreadsheet programs but recently we feel that database software's summing methods are quicker so we use databases to total them.
The data hasn't been compiled yet.
Compiled and co-edited by Maria Ebrahimji and Zahra Suratwala, the book "I Speak for Myself" contains first-person narratives by 40 Muslim women born and raised in the United States who, as the editors point out, have been "negotiating a dichotomy of Islamic and Western values since birth."
He compiled a Japanese folklore anthology for use in schools.
After many years of study and teaching, as well as ongoing consultation wtih fellow members of the prestigious Academy of Esperanto, a Swedish Esperantist has now compiled the fifteenth edition of a thoroughgoing, consistent grammar that accurately describes the salient features of the international language.
Added on 2015-11-04 | by m2gin | View: 732

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