
Meaning: tr
zorlama, baskı
An unconditional love is love without coercion.
A frosty east-west relationship led to a sort of brinkmanship where both NATO and Russia flew military aircraft close to the other side's frontiers or even deliberately made brief incursions into the other side's airspace, either to test air defence capabilities or as part of a pattern of intimidation or coercion.
What we cannot fail to deplore are those who deliberately keep their daughters in coercion or worse, send their children to the slaughterhouse. Otherwise, how could we not have kind words to those who, alas, undergo the yoke, are deprived of everything, even die of hunger, are beaten, murdered and cut to pieces to be delivered to the jackals?
Certainly there are downsides to leadership by coercion and force.
If you don't listen to us, we will have to resort to coercion.
Several witnesses subsequently recanted their statements claiming coercion.
Leadership by coercion would not produce the results we see.
Added on 2014-09-06 | by m1gin | View: 445

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