
Meaning: tr
hadım etmek; iğdiş etmek; kısırlaştırmak
Pet owners sometimes castrate male animals to make them more docile.
Eunuchs are castrated male slaves.
A wether is a castrated male sheep or goat. A bellwether was originally a wether who led a flock of other sheep; a bell was placed around his neck to help locate the animals.
Tom castrated the calves.
The aim of jazz is the mechanical reproduction of a regressive moment, a castration symbolism. 'Give up your masculinity, let yourself be castrated,' the eunuchlike sound of the jazz band both mocks and proclaims, 'and you will be rewarded, accepted into a fraternity which shares the mystery of impotence with you, a mystery revealed at the moment of the initiation rite.
The Cock (which crows in the morning) has a comb and spurs; when castrated, is called a capon and is crammed in a Coop.
The bull, the cow and the calf are covered with hair. The ram, or weather, the ew and the lamb have wool. The Billygoat, the castrated gelt goat, with the she-goat and kid, have long hair and beards.
Added on 2015-04-17 | by m1gin | View: 747

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