
Meaning: tr
bataklık; batağa sokmak, çıkmaza girmek
I am glad to see that the devil deals as cunningly with other folk as he deals with me; for whenever I am about to commit any folly, he persuades me it is the most necessary, gallant, gentlemanlike thing on earth, and I am up to saddlegirths in the bog before I see that the ground is soft.
If you don't behave the bogeyman will come!
Bogdan Tanevich resigned because of colon cancer.
Tokyo is more like Bogotá and Osaka is more like Medellín.
In Vumerdas, Amar Saidani, a young Kabyle from Iwaquren, was brought before the judge with an empty file, to whom one want to make bogus accusations, with recruited witnesses.
“Generations are pretty bogus. The labels we use to casually slice up society — boomer, millennial, Gen X, Gen Z — are a nearly useless way of thinking about politics, culture or business in America,” wrote journalist Farhad Manjoo in The New York Times in 2019.
Tom is a bogan.
Bogdana is the mother of Felicja.
Tom is a bogeyman. If he lets himself be seen, all the children take flight.
We need to do our best to prevent the truck from getting bogged down.
Added on 2016-02-04 | by m1gin | View: 831

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