
Meaning: en
adj. of the color black; of or pertaining to an ethnic group having brown to black skin and hair; dark; without light; dirty; evil; gloomy; drunk without cream or milk (of coffee, etc.); boycott (British)

n. color black, color that absorbs but does not reflect light; member of an ethnic group having brown to black skin and hair; African American; something colored black; black clothes

v. make black, color black; polish with a black substance (of shoes, etc.); boycott a business or product (British)
She was wearing a black hat.
Did you buy it on the black market?
It was pitch black outside.
We often associate black with death.
We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white.
Black smoke came out of the chimney.
Mary was wearing a black sweater when I met her.
Tom keeps a black cat.
Two high school boys beat Tom black and blue.
There's a black sheep in every flock.
Added on 2021-03-16 | by auto | View: 143
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