
Meaning: en
n. a poet, traditionally one reciting epics and associated with a particular oral tradition.
In the Welsh version of this fascinating legend it is the bard Gwyddno, of the twelfth century, who tells of the downfall of the submerged city.
In Russia, as elsewhere in the world, folklore is rapidly scattering before the practical spirit of modern progress. The traveling peasant bard or story teller, and the devoted "nyanya", the beloved nurse of many a generation, are rapidly dying out, and with them the tales and legends, the last echoes of the nation's early joys and sufferings, hopes and fears, are passing away.
The bard played the lute.
The bard was playing the lute.
The will is free; strong is the soul, and wise, and beautiful. The seeds of god-like power are in us still. Gods are we, bards, saints, heroes, if we will!
Gaelic is the only language in the mouths of bards and fish.
Together, a bard, a wizard, a cleric, a barbarian and a monk comprise the party.
Added on 2021-06-14 | by amia | View: 184

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