
Meaning: tr
balya; balyalamak
A baler is used to compress hay into bales.
I spent my vacation in the Balearic Islands.
But, lifting features marvellously pale, / the ghost unburied in her dreams laid bare / his breast, and showed the altar and the bale / wrought by the ruthless steel, and solved the crime's dark tale."
Christian Bale is my favorite actor.
Bale needs to be more careful when playing because he’s already been given one yellow card.
Whales, dolphins and porpoises are divided into two groups: toothed and baleen.
Now fail the ships wherein Achates ride / and Abas; old Aletes' bark gives way, / and brave Ilioneus'. Each loosened side / through many a gaping seam lets in the baleful tide.
Have you ever been to the Balearic Islands?
Hay bales are often wrapped in a layer of green plastic sheeting.
Bale fouled and the team got a penalty kick.
Added on 2018-03-25 | by m1gin | View: 554

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