
Meaning: tr
arka plan,arka fon(background music)
Let's get a picture of us with the sea in the background.
There is a castle in the background of the picture.
Who is that man in the background of the picture?
If someone who doesn't know your background says that you sound like a native speaker, it means they probably noticed something about your speaking that made them realize you weren't a native speaker. In other words, you don't really sound like a native speaker.
Tom had his picture taken with Mt. Fuji in the background.
Let's check Tom's background.
What's that noise I can hear in the background?
The portrait had a dark background.
I checked on Tom's background and he seems to be a well-respected man.
Did you do a background check?
Added on 2019-05-16 | by traveller | View: 368

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