
Meaning: tr
evet, hay hay
All in favor of this proposition will please say Aye.
I am not the child you take me to be. I look like a child; but I am older than Jupiter, aye, older than Chronos himself.
I am not the child you take me to be. I look like a child; but I am older than Saturn, aye, older than Time himself.
That I may stay a pious servant of Thine for aye and drive the plagues that try us and tyranny away.
Aye, what a pity! I thought it would clear up finally.
Makoto found his true love on top of Ayers Rock. She's from Osaka.
It's still unclear to many, especially to those who half destroyed it and surrendered it to Iran, whether Iraq should be pronounced e-rack or aye-rack. But, after all, is it necessary to know how to pronounce a country's name before whacking it ?
Aye aye, sir.
To sleep, perchance to dream; aye, there's the rub, for in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause.
Added on 2014-09-13 | by m1gin | View: 708

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