
Meaning: en
Ambassadors and aides from all 28 members of the European Union joined forces last week with volunteers from Casey Trees, a local conservation group, to plant trees in a Washington city park, hoping to earn goodwill and make a symbolic point with their labor.
She aided her daughter in dressing.
One of my aides had pneumonia last week.
In his interviews, Pack often pointed to an investigation by his aides of VOA's Urdu language service for airing a Biden campaign ad, as an example of that bias.
I was aided by a dear friend.
We aided him with money.
Foreign investment and EU funding aided in the transition.
The aide suggested a change in tactics to him.
Mary aided her mother in cooking.
An aide told reporters, off the record, that the senator had been lying.
Added on 2021-05-04 | by amia | View: 177

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